Monday, April 21, 2008


I just sat there staring
In the fox hole that we shared
We dug it out last night
In the dark with vision impaired

Mike, Joe and I wondered
If the enemy was anywhere near
We had lost our way in the mountains
After being cut off from the rear

I decided to scout around
They told me to watch out for my head
And when I squirmed back to the Hole
Only to find my two friends dead

I had not heard a sound
And I must say I was scared
But to think that my scouting venture
Had to do with my life being spared

I began to lift their heads
While holding back a tear
Only to see their heads fall back
Necks cut from ear to ear

Then the morning exploded around me
As I stayed with my friends on the ground
I listened to the bombs that were falling
And I recognized their familiar sound

After two more hours in the foxhole
I was pulled out and still stared
Trying to understand this happening
And Why was it I that was spared.

Michael Christopher Daly
April 18, 2008

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