Shattered dreams, against battered walls
And foundations swaying too
The problems that were huge to us
Don’t matter now, are few
Our way of life, our magnificent freedom
Has been tested to the core
And the shock waves are continuing
As the body count just soar
How many funerals can one attend
Before the tears are gone
How much sorrow must we bear
Before we right this wrong
We feel the pain and the misery
As if struck by the lightening rod
We question our very own beliefs
When everything is running smooth
We hardly ever turn to him
When there is an illness in the family
We place our call of help to him
When sudden death takes a loved one
We get angry with him
And when total tragedy strikes
We begin to disbelieve in him
This Tragedy is not of “God’s” doing
It is of and by the will of man
When Hate takes over his very soul
As only Hate can
So let’s bring justice to this act
And it must be our decision
To put an end to all of this
And an end to ‘TERRORISM”
Michael Christopher Daly 10/06/2001