Saturday, January 19, 2008

"Off The Ice Maggie"

When Limerick winters were in full bloom
and you had no place to go
You'd look out the streaky old window
hoping to see much snow

Back then, the snow was awfully wet
You're breath spoke in the air
Better get away from the window
and sit by the fire on a chair

When the snow let up a bit
you donned your hobnail boots
Then to the top of the New Road you went
To join up with the neighborhood youths

Each carried a pail of water
Their token to develop our scheme
When poured down the hill of the New Road
It froze all the way to our dream

We had no problems with traffic
There were hardly any cars, you see
So we ran and jumped on the ice trail
with each of us filled with glee

The cost was a pail of water
and our clothes were somewhat baggie
And we screamed while skating down

We jostled to get in position
To see who could stay to the end
As we spent another day of winter
The best way we could, with a friend

Michael Christopher Daly
Nov. 6, 2006


As I write all alone
it is quiet out here
There are stars in the sky
But I'm filled with fear

Who the enemy is
it is hard to tell
'Cause they all look alike
in this living hell

How can I sleep
on a rock for a bed
With a rain soaked poncho
to cover my head

With boots caked with mud
and socks to match
And death all around
so easy to catch

There's no room for smiles
or jokes out here
You must be mentally alert
know all sounds by ear

Any moment you relax
both body and brain
Your lifespan is limited
like drops of rain

I've been lucky so far
I still have my health
And I'm positive now
it's better than wealth

So I'll stay on my knees
and to God I pray
I'll get home to my family
Safe...some day

Michael Christopher Daly