Monday, January 28, 2008

Darkness of Night

I turned down a lift home, although I was tired
I had worked all day,'till my engine retired
The walk would shake out, those aches and pains
Allow me to sleep through the roaring of trains

It was getting quite dark, much later than nine
I was quite surprised as I was making good time
Not a soul or a human was out on the street
So I listened more closely to the sound of my feet

Other sounds came through, still nothing in sight
Dark shadows appearing that caused me some fright
A sudden scream and my body just froze
I tingled all over from my head to my toes

What can I do, my thinking's not sound
I should have taken that lift, not walked the ground
Clear the head,think, you know what to do
What if they're just round the corner, waiting for you?

My heart was pounding and my breath getting deep
Then a gust of wind blew the leaves down the street
Di I really hear a scream? was it just in my mind?
All alone by myself, was I going blind?

Two corners to turn, then one block to go
My senses on the alert as they wanted to know
Then it all came to mind, it wasn't day light
I was hearing and feeling, the Darkness Of Night