Sunday, January 27, 2008


I could hear the wind as it blew all day

Then the rains pelted down, to have their say

They lashed at the windows, on into the night

With an angry attack, to display their might

I would be quite content, if I could go to sleep

But with this kind of weather, the waters run deep

Alert I must stay and prepare for the worst

Stocked with canned food, and I’ll not thirst

But fear is all around me, isolated as I am

My body gives me trouble, can’t remember worth a damn

What I don’t need now, is my heart beating fast

With my breath getting short and I begin to gasp

I need another pill, where can they be

“If you’re listening God”, “Come on, rescue me”

Then a thunderous blast, exploded overhead

As the roof filled with water, caved in on my head

The phones gone dead, the lights are out

I bang pots together, and begin to shout

But who can hear me, I’m so far away

Maybe Gods gone to sleep, after a heavy day

I’m quite sure now, my time is near over

Since the day before yesterday, I haven’t seen Rover

Oh, what I’d give now to have him by my side

It would be nice enough if we could go side by side

Suddenly, I’m falling, and I’m flat on the floor

No blasts of thunder, and the lightning’s no more

I look to the ceiling and it’s all in place

I get to the bathroom, to look at my face

T’is a young one I see, staring back with a beam

And I’m in shock and happy, as it was only dream

Michael Christopher Daly

May of 2001

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